Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 4

Well, I just finished week 4. I think RSS will be useful and certainly a time saver. An easy way to keep up to date with the latest ideas and should be good for library marketing.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Check this link to a photo of a cool looking frog. I love frogs and have a collection of assorted ornaments etc. at home.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

First blog

Well, this is my first go at creating a blog, so far, so good. It is always good to try something new. It is actually not unlike 'posting' to a forum which I had been doing for the past 4 years while studying. I find it a bit stressful writing in a public forum as other people will be reading what you have to say and also knowing what to write about can be daunting.
Today I will comment on my visit to the State library last week (20th & 21st February) for both the Drug information @ your library and the LIAC forums. I found both days worthwhile and not only obtained lots of ideas and information for these collections/services but meeting with other people from all over NSW is fantastic. It gives people such as myself who work in country libraries a chance to meet and share ideas with others.
I was also lucky whilst down there that I was able to see the musical "Billy Elliot". I thoroughly enjoyed the show and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys live productions.